Claden’s Notes: Forging the Last Bastian

Context: Every Thursday(ish) I play D&D online (we're actually using the SWADE system for this campaign) with some friend. The setting is entirely homebrew (both DM and players worked to create the world before playing). I play an iron being (not a robot) known as an Ironing. His name is Claden and he is a Varaq, responsible for obtaining variables, measurements, metrics, and statistics of all sorts which he will input into the "great machine," an all knowing device. These are notes from Claden's perspective while we play.
  • We go into the forge area – and I am very sick
  • We all have to sacrifice something in the name of our gods
  • Thunderstone for Qadia
  • Cool Pebble for Moylurg
  • Cloak for Brutus
  • Scientific notebook for the Great Machine
  • Branch from the great tree for Jarion
  • We Select the name – Last Bastian
  • Ferenix Gives me a new journal
  • A 12 Foot tall demon emerges from the lava. It resembles and Oni
  • A Pangodig died – there was a mighty battle and we destroyed the demons
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