Last Updated on 29 June 2023
- Grid GuesserA study tool / game useful for finding links between concepts and terms.
- Grid Guesser RulesThe Rules for the edcuational study tool – “Grid Guesser”
- Claden’s Notes: Forging the Last Bastian
- Claden’s Notes: Tones of the StonesCladen, an Ironing Varaq in a homebrew D&D campaign using the SWADE system, takes notes on blindfolded, sexist pangodigs. These beings use “stone sense” to identify stones by sound, a skill Claden’s group will need for their trial, focusing on various stones like Granite, Limestone, Sandstone, Shale, and Basalt.
- Claden’s Notes: Through the LabyrinthWe head into a labyrinth and extract the heart of the mountain
- Sailing Adventures: Storms on the HorizonThis was a successful sailing trip that was cut off early due to an unexpected storm.
- Sailing Adventures: Less Safe on LandWe sailed well in this voyage! Out at the opening of Lake Superior, with low winds. Little did we know that the problems would be awaiting us on shore.
- Cladens Notes: Pleasing the PangodigsWe took care of the molten core – and then to the House Gem Light to prepare for their task of acquiring a special stone.
- Sailing Adventures: Shake-Down!The Little Dipper has made it into the water on 3 occasions since the time of writing. Once for testing the motor and hull, once to try and sail, and then the third time was the charm.
- DIY Mast Holder for SailboatA simple wooden structure to help secure the mast on my sailboat to aid in transit & raising & lowering the mast.
- [Video] Debugging a Suddenly-Dead PCIn this video – I dive into the world of commercial computing repair. I’m an amateur at it specifically – but I was curious to see how far my electrical engineering skills would take me. It turns out – that it took me exactly where I needed to go….
- G-Code BasicsAn important piece of 3D Printing technology is the instructions that make them replicate a desired model – those instructions are G-Code!
- 3D Printing MechanismsEach 3D Printer is slightly different, but in terms of FDM printers, most of the core components are the same. Of course once we get into different or Novel deposition methods, things can get different. Let’s take a look at some of the core mechanisms for the big 3 of 3D Printing (FDM, SLA, SLS).
- Common 3D Printer ElectronicsIn this section I discuss some of the common components found in 3D Printers
- Sailing Adventures: Meet “Little Dipper”!Meet our new sail boat, “The Little Dipper”! a 20-foot O’Day from 1978. I’m excited to see what adventures my family and friends will have on this little boat!
- FDM ConsiderationsIn this section I go over some of the key mechanical considerations you should take into account when conceiving of a part you’d like to 3D Print.
- General design procedure for free and open-source hardware for scientific equipmentA discussion of the key points you should consider when creating a piece of open source hardware.
- FreeCAD ResourcesI’m not a FreeCAD Expert – but I realize that OpenSCAD isn’t for everyone. So I’ve put together a collection of some decent FreeCAD resources.
- Getting Started with OpenSCADThe concept behind OpenSCAD is that your 3D model is defined as a script. That’s actually what the S stands for in OpenSCAD: Open Scriptable Computer Aided Design. By using basic shapes and transformations, you can design all sorts of neat stuff.
- Box Blade – Goodbye Potholes!My 1/4 mile driveway can be a lot of work in the winter – but it goes mostly neglected in the summer. Time to fix these potholes!